Tamás Kárándi

CV: https://karandit.github.io [Download as PDF]

I am an outgoing and energetic person, seeking a career that fits my professional skills, personality, endless urge to investigate and learn.


Serokell / Site Reliability Engineer2023 Mar - present

  • Cloud providers: AWS, Hetzner
  • IaC: nix/nixpkgs/NixOS, terraform/terranix
  • Technologies: nginx, (Hashicorp) vault, docker, restic
  • Monitoring: grafana, prometheus, loki/promtail, alertmanager/onCall
  • Version Control/CI: Github/Github Actions

DMG Mori-Heitec / Senior Software Engineer2020 Aug - 2023 Mar

  • Project: Implementation of a Kubernetes based Infrastructure for Istos
  • Cloud providers:Azure, K8s/AKS
  • IaC: Helm, Helmsman
  • Languages: bash, Java(Quarkus)
  • Version Control/CI: Bitbucket/Jenkins + Tekton

Evosoft / Chief Infrastructure Engineer2017 Aug - 2020 Aug

  • Project: Design and implementation of AWS Infrastructure for MindSphere 3
  • Cloud provider: AWS (VPC, ECS, ALB, Route53, S3, ...)
  • IaC: terraform/terragrunt
  • Version Control/CI: Gitlab/Gitlab CI

  • Leading the Infra Engineers of 9 teams
  • I'm proud of implementing Blue/Green deployment (a.k.a Mayflower)

Evosoft / Infrastructure Engineer2016 Oct - 2017 Aug

  • Project: Redesign the CI pipelines of MindSphere 2
  • Technologies: Docker, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, RabbitMQ
  • Version Control/CI: Gitlab/Gitlab CI

  • I'm proud of replacing our old TFS + Jenkins based pipelines with a Docker based Gitlab CI for 180+ repos
  • Designing and leading the development of our monitoring infrastructure based on Prometheus/PagerDuty/Grafana

Evosoft / Key Developer 2014 Apr - 2016 Oct

  • Project: Design and implementation of MindSphere 2, an Industrial Internet of Things platform for the Digitalization department of Siemens AG
  • Languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Technologies: Microservices, REST, Spring Boot, Cloud Foundry, Gradle, Grunt, Karma, TestNg, Pact
  • Methodologies: Scrum like, Pair programming, TDD
  • Version Control/CI: TFS + Git/Jenkins

  • I'm proud of introducing TypeScript in our front-end project

Evosoft / Java Architect 2005 Nov - 2014 Apr

  • Project: Design and implementation of an Eclipse based railway editor for the Railway Automation department of Siemens AG
  • Languages: mainly Java, some XTend, HQL, SQL
  • Technologies: Eclipse RCP, EMF, GEF, Hibernate, Jasper Reports
  • Version Control: Clearcase

  • I'm proud of introducing the notion of Continuous Integration in the project: CruiseControl --> Hudson --> Jenkins
  • Won the EvoRace (internal programming contest) in 2009, third place in 2010
  • Promoted as Architect in 2010

Eklos SA / C# Developer2004 - 2005

  • Projects: At Eklos, as a Romanian-Italian company, we were designing and implementing 3-4 production tracking applications for GUCCI
  • Languages: C#, J#, VB.Net
  • Technologies: WinForms, ASP.Net
  • Version Control: Visual SourceSafe

MaxIQ SRL / Delphi, Junior Java Developer2001 - 2004

  • Projects: internal custom applications for RomTelecom Bihor
  • Languages: first in Delphi, then porting them to Java J2EE
  • Technologies: Delphi RAD, JBoss, JSP, Oracle, Maven
  • Version Control: CVS, SVN

University of Oradea 2003 - 2005

Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computer Science

MSc: Project Management

University of Oradea 1998 - 2003

Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computer Science

BSc: Computer Science


Hungarianmother tongue




Side projects

TerramakeType-safe Infrastructure-as-Code (elm + terraform)

Plank-o-meterKeeping track of the planks of employees (elm)

ConfettiTimetable generator for schools, high schools, universities (java)

REST DojoA lean poker clone (elm + java)


Continuous learningvim, touch typing, haskell, scala, elm, kotlin, idris, freebsd

Sportsrock bouldering/climbing, riding my GAUS wheel bike, dad